Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Shopping for a good used car in Cancun

Well, this week we went out looking for a different car. Our current car is really a nice car...BUT! We can get parts for it, every simple service is a nightmare... We must have oil filters, air filters and any other item sent from the States. The law prohibits us from selling it here in Mexico. We will have to make a trip to the Border (2 day minimum) to sell it...
But, we must have a car to get around here... So the plan is to make a run to the border..Sell the car to CARMAX, catch the bus back.... That will take a week.. Then hopefully find a Mexican car to fill our transportation needs.
Here are a few pictures we took while shopping... They have a massive used car sell each weekend at the local soccer stadium.... Sellers bring their cars and buyers come to wander thru the cars and make a deal with the owners... Selection each week is hundreds of cars .... Quite a carnival atmosphere...

 Every make and model are here! It is a Buyer Beware atmosphere... According to the sellers, everyone is their mother's car driven only on weekdays, to and from the store  .... Hummmm... I haven't seen them on the road where I drive...
 They like their cars... They like big ones and like to "BLING" them up.. They personalize them with numerous stickers and painted images, names and logos...
 Natalie ... They even have UGH's here like yours... The license plate is UVG instead of UGH ... Must be Spanish for Ugh...
Buyer's and Seller's are everywhere.. This covers over 30 or 40 acres .. It makes any tent sales I was every involved in look small ... Food vendors and even some street musicians and street entertainment ..
 all free lance.

This was an adventure in cars sales...

Still having fun in Paradise!

Ross & Becky

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